Meeting the needs of people and entities in the different sectors of sustainable tourism, the With4less project aims at supporting the development of new knowledge and skills, thus improving target’s capacity to promote and implement simple but effective green solutions. The project seeks to enable micro & SMEs to become more resilient and competitive facing the impacts of climate change and aligning with more sustainable business practices.


Learn more about our deliverables:

The ConsumeLess Advisors Handbook:

The ConsumeLess Handbook is a practical guide and working tools to support ConsumeLess Advisors with additional insights and knowledge on sustainability in the tourism sector. Here, the advisors will find relevant tips and examples of sustainable practices, information on the key sustainability principles, templates to support the sustainability audits, and more.

Download the Handbook and Annexes, explore it and let yourself get inspired!


The ConsumeLess Training programme:

Have you ever thought about developing new skills, enrich your job options and support local tourism operators in their transition towards a more environmentally sustainable activity?

Complete the ConsumeLess Training programme and prepare yourself to the new market demands! Find out more about our MOOC here

The ConsumeLess Community of Advisors:

A ConsumeLess Advisor is not operating alone! The Community of Advisors is a global network of ConsumeLess Advisors who work to promote change. As a member of this community, ConsumeLess Advisors can learn with your peers, exchange practices and knowledge, get support when facing obstacles. As part of an international community, advisors can:

  • Share practices and knowledge
  • Learn with peers
  • Get support to overcome obstacles
  • Develop innovative strategies
  • Among others

Are you a stakeholder of your local tourism community? A public Authority with responsibilities in the tourism area? A visitor? Or just a citizen aware and engaged with environmental sustainability? Make part of our movement Read and Sign the Manifesto!






Manifesto signees

About the project

This educational tool was created by an international team, with members coming from six organizations in six European countries, working in the fields of education, professional training, environmental studies, and environmental sustainability as part of the project “With You we can do more” with funding from the European Commission under the “Erasmus +” Programme.